Friday, December 4, 2009

As good a place to start as any

Well I've been told for a while now by friends and family that I should start a blog. I avoided this much like I did Twitter, because I didn't want to just be another bandwagon-joiner-latecomer. Then I clicked on and read a post by a facebook acquaintance/friend (?) whom I vaguely recall from middle school, and was so touched by what she had written that I figured screw it. I need somewhere to be expressing myself every day/frequently as opposed to just yapping people's ear off, which I do SO often.
If only I was taping myself during all these rants/rambling trains of thought - or blogging it - so I could look back upon my own words, maybe I could have avoided some of my missteps.
So here I start. One step, one word, one moment at a time. :)
The reboot. The reinvention. The new version. Paige 3.0. Space Age Paige.

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